Gramatica engleza
Scurt compendiu morfologic de gramatica engleza:
- articolul
- hotarat (the car - masina)
- nehotarat
- a boy - un baiat
- a girl - o fata
- an eskimo - un eschimos
- substantivul
- gen: masculin, feminin: (waiter, waitress - insa deobicei nediferentiat)
- numar: singular, plural: (deobicei pluralul se formeaza cu s)
- caz (declension)
- nominativ: fata canta - the girl sings, o fata canta - a girl sings
- genitiv: the girl's voice SAU the voice of the girl - vocea fetei
- dativ: I tell the girl - Ii spun fetei
- acuzativ: I hear the girl - O aud pe fata
- adjectivul (descrie un substantiv)
- propriu-zis: green hills - dealuri verzi
- pronominal
- demonstrativ: this man - acest barbat, that man - acel barbat
- interogativ/relativ: what book? - care carte?/what I think - ce cred eu
- posesiv:my book - cartea mea
- nehotarat(indefinit): some people - niste oameni, unii oameni
- Gradele de comparatie - ca si in romana, adjectivele propriu-zise in engleza au grade de comparatie
- pronumele (inlocuieste un substantiv)
- personal
- subiectiv(nominativ): you eat - tu mananci
- obiectiv(dativ, acuzativ)
- dativ: tell me - spune -mi
- acuzativ: follow me - urmeaza -ma, urmeaza pe mine; come with me - vino cu mine
- posesiv: it is mine - este al meu
- demonstrativ: that is a koala bear - acela e un urs koala
- interogativ/relativ: what is that - ce e acela, who are you? - cine esti?/the man who came - barbatul care a venit
- indefinit: somebody called - a sunat cineva
- reflexiv: I see myself in the mirror - Ma vad in oglinda.
- numeralul
- cardinal: seven days - 7 zile
- ordinal: the seventh day - a saptea zi
- fractionar: three sevenths of it is done - 3/7 e gata
- colectiv: a dozen eggs - o duzina de oua
- multiplicativ: I paid him back tenfold - L-am platit inzecit
- distributiv: they went in two at a time - au intrat cate doi
- adverbial: I read it a hundred times - L-am citit de o suta de ori.
- nehotarat: many people - multi oameni
- verbul *
- persoana
- I sing - Eu cant; We sing - Noi cantam
- You sing - Tu canti; Voi cantati - You sing
- He, She sings - El, Ea canta; They sing - Ei canta
- numar: singular (I sing, You sing, He sings), plural (We sing, You sing, They sing)
- diateza:(active voice, passive voice)
- activa (actiunea e facuta de subiect): He scolds the child - El cearta copilul
- pasiva (actiunea e facuta asupra subiectului): The child is scolded - Copilul este certat
- timp (tenses):
- Diateza activa (Active Voice)
- Present Tense: I scold - Eu cert
- Present Continuous: I am scolding - Eu cert acum (actiune in desfasurare)
- Present Perfect: I have scolded
- Present Perfect Continuous: I have been scolding
- Past Tense: I scolded - Am certat
- Past Continuous: I was scolding - Eu certam (cand ceva s-a intamplat)
- Past Perfect: I had scolded - Eu certasem
- Past Perfect Continuous: I had been scolding
- Future Tense: I will scold - Eu voi certa (cand se va intampla ceva)
- Future Continuous: I will be scolding - Eu voi certa (cand se va intampla ceva)
- Future Perfect: I will have scolded
- Future Perfect Continuous: I will have been scolding
- Diateza pasiva (Passive Voice)
- Present Tense: I am scolded - Eu sunt certat
- Present Continuous: I am being scolded - Eu sunt certat acum (actiune in desfasurare)
- Present Perfect: I have been scolded
- Present Perfect Continuous: Nu se foloseste
- Past Tense: I was scolded - Am fost certat
- Past Continuous: I was being scolded - Eu eram certat (cand ceva s-a intamplat)
- Past Perfect: I had been scolded
- Past Perfect Continuous: Nu se foloseste
- Future Tense: I will be scolded - Eu voi fi certat
- Future Continuous: nu se foloseste
- Future Perfect: I will have been scolded - Eu voi fi fost certat
- Future Perfect Continuous: Nu se foloseste
- mod (mood)
- indicativ (timpurile de mai sus) - actiune reala
- subjonctiv - actiune ireala, dorita:
- I wish that this be over - Imi doresc ca aceasta sa se termine - stil oficial
- I wish that this were over - Imi doresc ca aceasta sa se termine
- I wish that this had been over - Imi doresc ca aceasta sa se fi terminat
- conditional - actiune dorita si exprimata printr-o conditie:
- You should call - Ar trebui sa dai telefon
- You should have called - Ar fi trebuit sa dai telefon
- imperativ - actiune poruncita: Go home! - Du-te acasa!
- adverbul (descrie un verb, un adjectiv sau un adverb)
- he is leaving now - el pleaca acum (descrie un verb)
- the amazingly tall building - cladirea extroardinar de inalta (descrie un adjectiv)
- it looks very nice - arata foarte frumos (descrie un adverb)
- Clasificarea adverbelor:
- de timp: after - dupa, then - atunci
- de mod: somehow - cumva, slowly - incet (a slow car moves slowly - o masina inceata se misca incet
- de loc: above - deasupra, faraway - departe
- de scop: consequently - in consecinta, so that - astfel incat
- prepozitia (leaga doi termeni care nu au aceeasi functie sintactica)
- I am going to school - ma duc la scoala
- the book is on the table - Cartea e pe masa
- out of town - afara din oras
- smooth as silk - neted ca matasea
- conjunctia (leaga doi termeni care au aceeasi functie sintactica)
- or - sau; and - si
- I'll leave when I want to - Plec cand vreau eu.
- interjectia
- What a pity! - Ce pacat!
- Wow!; Well, well, well!
*Exista 6 verbe modale: (can, may, must, ought, shall, will). Ele sunt verbe speciale care nu asculta de regulile obisnuite ale verbelor. Ele insotesc cateodata un verb aflat la infinitiv.
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